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10.1% of the viewers favorited this title, 0.5% disliked it
Currently in 15 official lists, but has been in 17
crmacks101 checked this title
5 days agowhiskyagogo checked this title
5 days agothrungaron checked this title
6 days agoscissor_man checked this title
6 days agolampibo checked this title
a week agobuttguts favorited this title
a week ago
Very intelligent satire film which presents a comical yet tragic character who wants nothing but fame. DeNiro was fantastic!
"Better to be king for a night than schmuck for a lifetime."
Compulsive and fascinating viewing that is also very funny and has De Niro on top form, displaying his range by playing against type. My problems with the film stem from the way that Pupkin seems like two different characters: the first half of the movie he comes across as delusional and lacking any self-awareness, but in the second half when he's putting his plan into action he's cynical, manipulative and very aware of how others are perceiving his actions.