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2 months ago
A classic of great dimensions that were difficult to distribute to cinemas due to its length - over 5 hours. Apparently everyone was dubbed who did not pass Italian himself, which you may notice when you see it, maybe not - I was not disturbed by it.
I Saw with Lidingö FilmStudio in the spring of 2019 at the FilmHuset in Stockholm, which required some caffeine. ;)
A very good movie when you reflect of it a few days. Fun with very young De Niro, Depardieu and Sutherland. Sometimes a very cruel story - warning.
Best taken in chunks…movie starts losing something after DeNiro and Sutherland show up. Lots of fantastic cinematography and camera movement throughout. But yet. It gets more bizarre after part 1. DeNiro kind of sleepwalks his way through this. DePardiue is well, Depardieu. While Sutherland is excellently Evil, he is still woefully miscast as an Italian, which makes everything involving him very stranger than it should be. (and boy howdy, what he does throughout the movie is VERY cringe-worthy). The ending is a legendary joke. Film lovers should see this just once, but I bet you won't want to watch it a second time.
This isn't for everyone :
Bermuda Jones
One of the all time greatest 5 hour films.