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5.8% of the viewers favorited this title, 2.7% disliked it
Currently in 16 official lists, but has been in 17
meyer73 checked this title
3 days agoCarol Rossetti checked this title
a week agowhiskyagogo checked this title
a week agojakeindiana93 favorited this title
2 weeks agoBlatchford added this title to their watchlist
2 weeks agohylianewnew checked this title
2 weeks ago
This film was OK, but I still prefer the director's later masterpiece, 'Interracial Butt-Destroyers 12'.
Terrific movie. Call it art or pornography (it functions as both), but we need more intelligent, well-crafted, truly adult films like this and it's sad that there have been so few made.
A psychotic infatuated nymphomaniac. What's not to like!
Thank god its' a true story.