
Robert's acting is simply brilliant! I can't believe he was snubbed by the academies given the solid, well-rounded performance. Any other actor would have been one dimensional is such a flat role, but he really showed what a serious actor can do. Mag-nificent!

6 years ago


Rubber is a movie about a tire that kills people. That's what I knew going in. What it ISN'T is the piece of shlock that description makes it sound like. Instead, imagine an art house film dedicated to the absurdity of films in general, and genre flicks in particular. The tire is our protagonist and by golly, we're going to follow our protagonist as he learns the stand upright, roll, kill, and eventually, emulate people. Not only that, but we're represented in the film by a crowd of bystanders with binoculars and the cast of the film intent on seeing them dead so they can stop "acting". It's aburd all right, and pleasantly so, though its art house stylings do sometimes create momentary longueurs. That's what happens when your hero is a non-verbal object, I suppose, though there are times when you actually empathize with the thing. Craziness. What it's trying to say isn't too clear, possibly even to its makers, but from experience, it's a fun one to TELL people about.

9 years ago


how can a movie about a killing tire be so fucking boring

7 years ago

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