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5 days agothehorror checked this title
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2 weeks agoJetFusion checked this title
4 weeks ago
I have a problem with most of the comments saying they didn't like the movie because the characters didn't evolve or weren't likable. Guess what, that was the point. Characters don't have to be likable or evolve for a movie to make it's point and still be enjoyable. I really liked it and it gave an in depth look at how even the "normal" people can still lack depth just like the celebs can.
Feels like an assignment; devoid of passion, empty but delivered on time.
I didn't enjoy this. The characters are obnoxious and unlikable (I can't remember the last time I watched a movie where I loathed every single person in it this much), the story is incredibly repetitive (celebrity gossip scene, club scene, robbery scene, repeat for literally the entire movie), nothing has any meaning whatsoever, character development is completely lacking, the dialogue is vomit-inducing, the acting is mostly over-the-top and almost strays unintentionally into parody territory (particularly from Watson, who I usually like a lot), and the font is Comic Sans.
I get that all this was very deliberate to convey the emptiness of the Bling Ring and celebrity worship culture in general, but that doesn't make the movie any more watchable or entertaining. A few well-structured shots (the long take of the Audrina Patridge house robbery stood out in particular) don't make up for generally lazy cinematography and editing, and Broussard's strong lead performance unfortunately couldn't save the movie in my opinion.
Spring Breakers got the same point across much more effectively than this.