Convoluted in a deeply unsatisfying way. never successfully builds up tension to work as thriller. nor does it manage to make you care less about the characters or the stakes.
also felt very late 90s with its soundtrack & wannabe-cool cut-up narrative.
Entertaining, beautifully shot film that may be too smart for its own good. Eventually it does start to topple under its own convoluted weight, but it just barely escapes with an understandable narrative.
11 years ago
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Convoluted in a deeply unsatisfying way. never successfully builds up tension to work as thriller. nor does it manage to make you care less about the characters or the stakes.
also felt very late 90s with its soundtrack & wannabe-cool cut-up narrative.
I wish I could forget this film.
Entertaining, beautifully shot film that may be too smart for its own good. Eventually it does start to topple under its own convoluted weight, but it just barely escapes with an understandable narrative.