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4 weeks ago
John Milton
Actually pretty enjoyable in it's genre, well acted and engrossing. Too bad there are some predictable turns and an unnecessary voice-over, but overall I enjoyed myself, which is pretty uncommon with romantic dramas.
You've got to get out of bed early to show me something new about the curse of immortality. Vampires, Time Lords, etc. have nearly exhausted the topic. The Age of Adaline overslept. The movie is a romance, but the romance is dull as dishwater, in part because Blake Lively gives the unaging lead a serenity and a way of speaking that's possibly meant to evoke the way people USED to speak, but it doesn't track. We speak the way people speak in our own era, and though we might keep a few words from our pasts, we're pretty good at updating, especially if "stay in the world", which she does. The other problem is that Michiel Huisman's character is a real stalker who won't take no for an answer, and so the love affair is initially creepy, and ultimately forced (just like the ending). Things get a little more interesting when Adaline is recognized by a beau from the past, but not by much. I also had an adverse reaction to the narrator who seems to have been told this was Magnolia II (but he's no Ricky Jay). Forget Adaline, how much did *I* age while watching this movie?
Ok but fairly predictable.