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2 days ago
Eric - There aren't any incredible actors in this film, but the set design and cinematography are indeed incredible and not in the least bit wasted.
dnalysis - Actually, the film becomes more and more distinguished and impressive as time goes on. Here in the 21st century its achievements are even more impressive, as no one since has done what it did, in spite of the improved technology. In other words, in spite of the huge technological advancements since then, this film beats just about every other CGI-fest to come out in the last 30 years. It looks better, sounds better, has a better script, and addresses its themes more intelligently than just about any other science fiction film out there.
It's a special movie. Not all the movies can be so great with slow pace, but this one is very good.
It's definitely very different from what I always tought the movie was. But I didn't feel disappointed. You gotta love their acting, it was really outstanding and in part that is why I liked the movie.
Vangelis score just blew my mind back then.