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lydiagerman checked this title
6 days agoFjdjwaoforiwwjs checked this title
6 days agocbes checked this title
2 weeks agorday19 checked this title
2 weeks agocrichmond77 checked this title
2 weeks ago_JMT_ checked this title
3 weeks ago
Hahahaha, I understand that this is a site for movie nerds but some of us are over analysing this movie. What kind of plot and caracther development, you were expecting? This movie serves it's purpose, perfectly, nothing more than that. If you are easily offendable and don't aprecciate some chaos don't watch it.
I found this film to be surprisingly entertaining. It delivered on the very aspects it claimed to be in its advertisements; not only was it gripping, but it made you feel like you were at the most epic house party ever. So, mission accomplished.
so much fun.