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Currently in 22 official lists, but has been in 23
Sataa42 checked this title
6 hours agowhiskyagogo checked this title
18 hours agoPsychoApa checked this title
yesterdayeraserhead1976 checked this title
2 days agopring_chamillion checked this title
3 days agokayayak favorited this title
5 days ago
Beautiful, but quite depressing movie about two guys trying to make their dreams come true. Great performances by Jon Voight and Dustin Hoffman. Also a very interesting way of filming with flashbacks and hallucinations.
I saw it as a movie about escapist dreams, people who hear stories about other places and go there, only to see the true side of the place they've heard about. Interestingly enough, it reminds me of another "Midnight" movie, "Midnight in Paris", where instead of places that are emphasized, it's times.
Great use of music throughout this film!